Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meat Gingerbread House


Ground Pork
Bacon (15 Packages)
Beef Tenderloin (many)
Puff Pastry
Cheese Wiz (lots, enough for a great cheese flood)


Poor Jack Danial's over ribs.
Make a foundation using ground pork.
Using meat glue as mortar, and steaks as bricks, make four impenetrable steak walls.
Make a meat boy (optional).
Combine impenetrable steak walls and place in next-level-meat-cage-cooking apparatus.
Cook at 400 degrees for approximately 45 min.
Mash potatoes and use as snow around steak walls.
Use toothpicks to make ham doors and windows.
Cover steak walls with puff pastry ceiling.
Poor in cheese wiz until great great cheese flood is triggered.
Sprinkle with candied bacon.

Bring back the bacon, in a big way.
Extract the bacon juices
Extract the bacon grease
Pour in some Jack Danial's.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Microwave Peanut Brittle

(Recipe courtesy of the "Calico Critters" website.
Remember those little guys I think they may be
 related to the "Sylvanian Family"
Now you remember, right?
You didn't even know they could cook,
did you? Anyway...)

1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 dash salt
1 to 1/2 cups shelled raw peanuts
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla

Grease baking sheet or jelly roll pan
generously. Combine sugar, corn syrup
and salt in 3-quart casserole; stir in
peanuts. Microwave on high until light
brown, 8 - 10 minutes. Stir in remaining
ingredients until light and foamy.
Quickly spread on greased baking sheet.
Spread as thinly as possible for more
brittle candy. Yield: 1 lb.

Now head on over to that website, ya hear?
They've got cute little activities, games,
print outs, etc for kids ages 2-6 -ish.